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AllstarPowerhouse - Listing Storyboard™
180 Hoopers Creek Road, Fletcher, NC 28732 - MLS #3306172
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AllStar Walking-Tour Video™ 
"Seller Says"

The thing I love about Fletcher is the small town feel with the conveniences of a big city.


We love eating at Beef O'Brady's. It's like a real life Cheers where everybody knows your name. We also enjoy Rocky's Hot Chicken Shack, 12 Bones, and Tupelo Honey. All are within a few miles house.


Ingles and Earth Fare are within minutes, and Wal-Mart, Target, and Lowes are very near by.


What drew us to the property was the gorgeous mountain views and the quiet county life.


Fletcher and Hendersonville have many outdoor parks and attractions. There are many local and family owned restaurants and shops around town too.


Many favorite Western North Carolina attractions such as the Biltmore House, Lake Lure, Dupont waterfalls, and the Blue Ridge Parkway are all within an hours drive.


We very much enjoyed grilling out on the deck, gardening, and hiking on the local trails.


The community is full of great people and neighbors who are never shy about giving a helping hand when needed.


Average utility costs were around $200 including electric, gas, TV, and internet. It is Duke-Progress Energy, PSNC, and Direct-TV and ATT are available here. We have well water and septic.

Contact us 

828 333 4483


AllStar Powerhouse, 56 Central Avenue, Suite #202,  Asheville NC, 28801  


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Each office is owned independently and may offer different programs to those advertised - check with your local office before making a decision.   Patton Property Group LLC DBA AllstarPowerhouse


'Allstar Agents' or agents who are part of the Allstar network are not employed by Patton Property Group or its affiliates. All agents are independent contractors for individual real estate brokerages in their respective states.

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