Walking-Tour Video
We have over 1,000 walking-tour videos complete, as part of our Listing Storyboard service. These videos bring your listing to life, exploring the neighborhood you live in as well as the key features of your property.
This sets your property apart from all the other listings they prospective purchasers are viewing - often from another state. Imagine the difference experience they get on the right........
The Old Way
Many agents still send MLS sheets out to prospective buyers, that look something like the sheet below. So imagine that you are in another State, and this is what you are looking at. Then compare the Listing Storyboard NEW WAY (on right).
Old-fashioned MLS sheet

Memories Video
A memories video is similar to a Walking-tour video - the only difference is that we capture your memories in your home. Perhaps your children were born, graduated, or got married in your home. Perhaps you built it. Whatever the reason, most homes carry memories, and we understand it's those you are connected to much more than the 'bricks and mortar'. You don't have to be in front of the camera - it's up to you. Just walk around with us and share your memories, so that you have it captured to share with yourselves, friends and family.
The New Way
See our full page on the listing storyboard in 'Seller Programs'
The Listing Storyboard