Coming Soon, 155 Chriscott LN, Saluda NC 28773 - under $200,000
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“Seller Says”
"Where the foothills meet the Blue Ridge Mountains."

Saluda still retains its small-town appeal. It sits atop of what was once the steepest railroad grade in the United States. Polk County school system is rated the seventh best county in North Carolina.
Ice cream shops, small boutiques, two outdoor adventure companies (Green River Adventures/Green River Gorge), one outdoor outfitter, and no big name commercialization (only a Dollar General) make this town an outdoor paradise.
60+ year local festival, farmer's markets, and so much more.
Purple Onion, Wards Old-Time grill, Green River BBQ, Side-street Pizza, Wildflour Bakery, Food Lion and IGA are both within 10 miles.

Local market and grocery store (Pace's/Harper General Store) is the oldest in North Carolina! The Dollar General is handy for other basic needs.
True tranquility and full of outdoor possibilities, such as hiking, biking, watercraft. Kayaking events that attracts skilled racers from around the world arrive for the Green River 'Narrows' race each year. Harmon Field recreation and equestrian events is fun, as well as the excitement surrounding Tryon International Equestrian Center. September holds the TIEC international events!
Quiet. Quiet. Quiet. Did I mention quiet.
Friendly neighbor respects privacy as well.
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This A-frame house makes a perfect mountain cottage.